Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays From NEEZO Studios!

By December 23, 2020November 15th, 2022Blog
Hey it's Chloé

Behind the Creativity: Blog 25

On behalf of NEEZO Studios, I would like to wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!! 
This year has definitely been a rollercoaster for all of us so it’s important to take this time to relax and enjoy the company of those you love. What better time to do that than during the holidays?! 
The snow is falling, snowmen are smiling, present under the tree, beautiful lights all around…Christmas is right around the corner and holiday preparations are in full swing🎄Check out this fun and festive animation that we created! We heard that Santa’s 18-wheeler is stocked with scale models, 3D renderings, animations, and touchscreens for a special delivery to some awesome sales centers!
There’s no doubt that the scenery outside is 10x nicer when it snows, right? In honour of it being the holiday season, check out some of these snow-filled renderings below.
The above image looks like a rendering, right? Well, this is a still image from the LiveSite™ application that we created for the Stanley District in Niagara Falls.
LiveSite™ is NEEZO’s real estate sales software and one of the many cool features that are available on it include Day/Night/Seasons cycle where you can see what the development will look like at all those times…this still image was taken from the Winter season! 
To learn more about LiveSite™, please visit: